After being tattooed
  1. Remove the wrap attached to the treatment area in at least 2 to 3 hours, depending on the size, time required, and location of the tattoo. (If it is difficult to remove with blood or body fluid, remove it slowly while moistening it with lukewarm water.)
  2. Wash the area gently with clean hands to remove any blood and ink with lukewarm water & soap. Avoid rubbing it strongly with a towel.

  3. After cleaning, gently wipe off the moisture, and then pat dry gently with a clean tissue or towel. 

  4. Keep it clean! For 3 or 4 days, wash it with water 2-3 times a day to keep it clean. Then apply a thin layer of cream to the area, we suggest using Palmers Coco Butter. 

It is okay to bathe on the day of tattooing, however, please refrain from keeping the tattooed area submerged for extended periods and from vigorous towel drying.


If prior to all scabbing's having naturally healed the tattooed area becomes infected or the scab dislodged, there is a risk of pigment seepage. For this reason, please refrain from vigorous sports activity or physical training before the tattoo is fully healed. 

Sunbathing & Swimming

Although it takes around 2-4 weeks for scabbing to heal and skin to form over the tattooed area, this varies between individuals. For this period please refrain from sunbathing, using sunbeds, saunas, swimming pools and from bathing in the sea.


After tattooing, your tattooist will explain the aftercare procedure. If you have any queries regarding aftercare or you are worried about how your tattoo is healing, please contact the shop.


01767 600 892